Leadership can be hard to master. Even the most successful leaders with years of experience under their belt often struggle to say they’ve mastered the role. Being a leader means understanding that you’ll always be growing and that you must put your followers before yourself in order to make sure that they’re happy, healthy, and putting their best work into their own roles. If you’re trying to learn more about being a great leader in 2022, look no further than some of these awesome books.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Steven R. Covey
Most readers around the world have regarded Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People as the most influential book on leadership ever written. Its wisdom and message are as timeless as a bottle of great wine. Covey has dedicated his life to learning what makes a good leader, and he has listed seven habits that every individual should adopt in order to be successful. This book has been used by a generation of leaders, including CEOs, Presidents, and teachers.
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us – Daniel H. Pink
One of the most prominent factors that people consider when it comes to being a great leader is motivation. In Drive, Daniel H. Pink talks about the secret to finding the motivation that drives you. If you’re like most people, you probably have a hard time finding the motivation to get out of a rut. Money is often a powerful motivator, but other factors such as freedom are also powerful. Understanding what drives you will allow you to achieve your full potential.
Act Like A Leader, Think Like A Leader – Hermina Ibarra
This book is written by a leader who has spent years developing the skills and qualities of people for a living. It’s full of practical advice and strategies that will help you become a better leader. There’s also a lot of great advice on how to be a good communicator and network. One of the most critical factors that a leader must consider when it comes to defining himself or herself as a leader is mastering the various skills and qualities that make up a good leader. The author also drives home a very important factor; the best way to improve your leadership skills is by leading.
Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead – Sheryl Sandberg
In this book, which is about women in the workplace, author and Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, talks about how women can hold themselves back from being relegated to lesser roles. She also gives us a lot of practical advice on how to improve the conditions of our fellow women. In her book, she also encourages women to take risks and explore their potential. She believes that everyone should discard the mediocre in order to find their true potential. Her TED Talk, which has over a million views, was also featured on YouTube.