Kevin Mauermann | Blog
Reestablishing Your Routine in the Workplace
Now that the Covid-19 virus is under better control and people are getting vaccinated, your company may be expecting you to return to the office. While this may be a welcomed change for some people, it can also create a certain degree of stress. That's because you've...
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Business
Emotional intelligence has a huge impact on everything a person does, and employers are increasingly seeking employees with a high degree of emotional intelligence. It is valued since it influences how an individual thinks and behaves towards their surroundings....
Interview Questions to Ask When Hiring Remotely
Remote jobs aren't just jammies and cafes, despite popular opinion. Working from home means carrying out job duties and being productive on a daily basis. Remote employees are aware of this. Candidates may, however, submit an application due to it being remote rather...
The Value of “Messiness” in a Leadership Position
Undoubtedly, the year 2020 has been a roller coaster for employees and leaders, but it has drastically affected the leaders. From managing productivity to dealing with the stress threshold within the companies, the leaders have done a lot to survive and hence play a...
Bursting Onto the Commercial Real Estate Investment Scene
Before investing all your money into a property, you should research other local properties of similar size and style. It is important to know the actual current market value of a property before committing to purchasing it, primarily to ensure you are not getting screwed over in any way, shape, or form. This is essential information to have before investing in commercial real estate.
Stress Management and Avoiding Outbursts
Build correct relationships. This may limit the number of conflicts that will surround you. In fact, it will be beneficial for you as most probably you will acquire good ideas.
Behind the Scenes of Real Estate Acquisition
Commercial real estate acquisition (the transfer of rights to a commercial property between two parties) is key when dealing with commercial real estate. This type of real estate is a major investment asset class, making the buying, owning, managing, and selling of it...
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